Friday, April 25, 2014

Holy Done.

Time for us to rock some review. As with many of you, I am looking forward to breathing a little. I'm proud of all of you as you've worked so hard to get to this point. This point in the year is always pretty bittersweet for me. I am happy to be done with the intense instruction that you've been used to, but I am also a little sad because it wraps up the end of the year. Over the course of the semester, I grow especially fond of my AP classes and I know that things are pretty much over at this point. A few projects and TED talks and SoulPancake videos and that's it. Then you all leave. That part is inevitable, but it still is a little sad because I end up missing a lot of you until next AP season. I really don't think it's because you're AP kids so much as that I RARELY get to spend an entire semester with a group of kids anymore.

 Enough sappy stuff. I'm going home to get one of my guitars today. I get to play it now that I get a breather here and there. I look forward to that every day. If you haven't noticed, I really enjoy music. Pretty much anything, and like anyone, I have guilty pleasures when it comes to music. KC hit a nerve when I read her last blog with her JT barbershop video. Yup. Guilty pleasure. Maybe even dancing (don't ask, it's not good, and no I won't). Here's another good one. If it doesn't get you moving, you don't have feelings.

Tell me this isn't awesome:

But it makes me want this:

Monday, April 7, 2014

Just Fifteen Days

Instructionally, we're done in a mere fifteen days, which gives us a solid five days for review/practice tests.  You can do anything for fifteen days, and I PROMISE, I'll let you do some slacking from May 6th through May 9th.  You've earned it.  We've started personality, and should wrap up with that in the next two days, which then leads into the very interesting topic of psychological disorders and treatment.

I'm concerned with the next unit because last year students didn't score well on it for the AP exam.  This year, I've dedicated more time to this unit so that we may cover more topics in depth and gain a better understanding of these disorders and how they are treated.  My one gripe with the AP exam is that I don't get a full item analysis to be able to tell where students really went wrong or where I have failed them as a teacher so that I may not make the same mistake twice.  So for now, I'll just add more time and see if that works.  Seems legit right?  It is a very interesting unit, so perhaps the extended time will allow for all of you to better question the material and allow for good application of information.

This is fun: