Friday, January 27, 2017


I really love teaching AP Psych.  There is so much excitement in the air.  Challenging questions, hard working students, and a wonderful content area with a world of possibilities.  One of my favorite things about AP Psych is being able to apply the content to every day life.  One example might be the Milgram Experiment.  It is so important to understand the ramifications of an experiment like this and being able to demonstrate in class the power of authority is always eye-opening for me.  A handful of kids have had general psychology and know what is about to take place, but even then, many of them stand when asked.  I also think it is worth a mention that if one were to think critically about why I would ask you to stand in the middle of class, you might be able to parse out some very contrived reasons and refuse altogether.  Speaking of Critical Thinking, here's a nice video of James Randi.  Enjoy!