Wednesday, January 29, 2014

You Gotta Read to Lead...

I'm on the Internet.  A lot.  It's where I do most of my reading, whether it is on Zite, articles from Twitter, some of my favorite websites, or something that gets emailed to me, the reading I do online is the reading that is relevant to my profession, especially when looking for articles for my classes.  Today, I came across this gem:

As a guy that could stand to lose a couple of pounds, it is interesting and intriguing.  I know that later you'll read about set points, settling points, and how hunger works in the brain, and I think this is a great application of how it all ties together.

What bothers me about it is that it takes a while for your stomach to tell your brain that it is full.  I'm currently reading Gulp by Mary Roach, and I find it really interesting how our body works in conjunction with our brains and the entire process of digestion.  I continually am finding things in that book that I can use in class, and eventually I know that I'll sound like either a big nerd or a really really smart guy.  Either way, I'll take it.  By now, I hope you've started to click on these external links that I've been sharing.  You might have found that they are useful and or relevant to what I am writing/explaining.  Since this blog is at least partially about food, I'll leave you with this.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

First Impressions

It's been three days of AP Psychology and though it's been quite a hectic and busy start to the year, I'm truly enjoying the way class is going.  Every single year I feel like I am going too fast, forgetting something, skipping important information, not modeling correctly, or not checking in enough.  By the end of next week, we'll be in full swing and we'll ALL have a good handle on class and the pacing.

The quiz results from Monday are what I was expecting, but I also expect to see improved results from the test on Friday.  As classes, my first impressions are that the students of this years AP Psych class are much more in tune to their own needs as learners.  This excites me.  A lot.  I think I have a great group of students who are ready to be the first class to achieve a 100% pass rate on the AP exam in May.  That's the challenge.  100%.  Big things in store if we make it there.  Huge.

That said, I like to end blogs by sharing something with readers that I find endearing, touching, funny, educational, or just plain ole fun.  So here goes:

This is a great song to listen to when you're stressed or down.  It always makes me smile.