Friday, April 25, 2014

Holy Done.

Time for us to rock some review. As with many of you, I am looking forward to breathing a little. I'm proud of all of you as you've worked so hard to get to this point. This point in the year is always pretty bittersweet for me. I am happy to be done with the intense instruction that you've been used to, but I am also a little sad because it wraps up the end of the year. Over the course of the semester, I grow especially fond of my AP classes and I know that things are pretty much over at this point. A few projects and TED talks and SoulPancake videos and that's it. Then you all leave. That part is inevitable, but it still is a little sad because I end up missing a lot of you until next AP season. I really don't think it's because you're AP kids so much as that I RARELY get to spend an entire semester with a group of kids anymore.

 Enough sappy stuff. I'm going home to get one of my guitars today. I get to play it now that I get a breather here and there. I look forward to that every day. If you haven't noticed, I really enjoy music. Pretty much anything, and like anyone, I have guilty pleasures when it comes to music. KC hit a nerve when I read her last blog with her JT barbershop video. Yup. Guilty pleasure. Maybe even dancing (don't ask, it's not good, and no I won't). Here's another good one. If it doesn't get you moving, you don't have feelings.

Tell me this isn't awesome:

But it makes me want this:

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