Wednesday, January 29, 2014

You Gotta Read to Lead...

I'm on the Internet.  A lot.  It's where I do most of my reading, whether it is on Zite, articles from Twitter, some of my favorite websites, or something that gets emailed to me, the reading I do online is the reading that is relevant to my profession, especially when looking for articles for my classes.  Today, I came across this gem:

As a guy that could stand to lose a couple of pounds, it is interesting and intriguing.  I know that later you'll read about set points, settling points, and how hunger works in the brain, and I think this is a great application of how it all ties together.

What bothers me about it is that it takes a while for your stomach to tell your brain that it is full.  I'm currently reading Gulp by Mary Roach, and I find it really interesting how our body works in conjunction with our brains and the entire process of digestion.  I continually am finding things in that book that I can use in class, and eventually I know that I'll sound like either a big nerd or a really really smart guy.  Either way, I'll take it.  By now, I hope you've started to click on these external links that I've been sharing.  You might have found that they are useful and or relevant to what I am writing/explaining.  Since this blog is at least partially about food, I'll leave you with this.

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