Thursday, February 21, 2013

Pancakes! Bacon!

     It would seem to me that there were quite a few of you who enjoyed the SoulPancake video of Kid President.  I think it would be of use to those of you who did to check out the link up there and see what SoulPancake is all about.  Here's a bit more for you:

     I think one of the coolest things about it is the fact that it is more or less run by a celebrity as a way to "brighten" people's days and inspire others to do great things and even "be nicer".  Speaking of great things, some of these blog things are pretty great.  There is certainly a pack of favorites that are emerging that I enjoy reading week in and week out.  I'm not going to mention them just yet, but let's just say that they are equal parts entertainment and intelligent thought.

     Wait, some people haven't been blogging?  That's awful.  You can do better than that.  You have intelligent thoughts too.  I'd love to read them. Everyone's blogging?  Then you have yet to post the correct url in moodle.  Do that soon please, and let me know about it.

Just for fun

Because who doesn't love The Muppets?