Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Technology Redux or SMASHAROOSKI!

So I was sent this audio article today in regards to technology in the classroom. It made me think. What is it that AP psych is doing right at AHS? What is it that we might be doing wrong? I think the article makes a good point that learning needs to be engaging. If you have been the chronic browser, what might it say of your grades? I believe 100% that the netbooks are a GOOD thing for classes, but I also say that with a guarded aprehension that there are always going to be some students that "check out" when the netbook is on and in front of them. I am not going to necessarily stop note passing, I haven't policed the avid websurfer(s) in my classroom (I know who you are), I am however taking note. Are the surfers doing well in class, and if not, would it be any different if they did not have a netbook in front of them?

This all ties into motivation - extrinsic and intrinsic. Those of you who are intrinsically motivated show it. I rarely have to worry about anyone not paying attention. Those of you who are extrinsically motivated are a bit of a different story. Sometimes it is full attention and full speed ahead, and other times I can see the "be back in 30 minutes" look on your faces (and hands).

Hey, by the way, did you actually HEAR that laptop get smashed? It scared the crap out of everyone in the room. I think I might have laughed, and yet I wonder what the consequences were for the professor who smashed it.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

It's a Girl!

Ok, so normally I don't do this, but normally I don't answer my cell phone in class to take a call either, twice no less. It's a girl. Grace Carolynn Dreier 3 lbs. 15 oz. of teeny tiny sweetness. Things are pretty hectic right now, but will get better throughout the rest of the week. Things didn't go as smoothly as planned, but everyone is healthy and strong, so I will take it. Have a great spring break to all who have read this. Oh, and my class, YES, you still have a blog post due on Friday, and I will be home an awful lot so I WILL be checking them.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Memories, like the corner of my mind...

Here is a great article I have found while reading the news. It is from The Economist and would be a great article to refer to in the near future. Just don't sleep in my class.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Writing a Post

Hello from the blogosphere!

I was just reading all kinds of blog posts, and I noticed something that I want to share with the world, or at least those of you that actually read this. When you write a blog, more people are going to read/comment on it if it is 1. Interesting, and 2. Well put together/written. If you notice the button in your editor, there IS a spell check button there, try it sometime. If we all wrote interesting, creative, and relevant posts, sure we'd do a lot of reading, but it would be a lot of fun.

For instance, today in class I felt like I did all kinds of talking/lecturing, but it was very casual, more of a conversation than a lecture. Apparantly I scared a few kids too, because I read about it in some of their blogs. Specifically the what are you going to do with your life/when are you going to have kids/what do you do for a living questions that NEVER end. We can approach those questions with a positive attitude and let them roll off of our backs, or we can approach those questions with a degree of cynicism and answer "become a professional wakeboarder, as soon as I find the right seller on the black market, and buy and sell Scruff Mcgruff comics on the internet" and later become angry and bitter at the world. I like the first approach myself, although the second is pretty funny.

I guess what I am trying to say is that writing a blog for me or Dubs or an assignment can be dull. Writing these blog posts for you is much more entertaining and fun for all of us. That's the news, goodnight, and have a pleasant tomorrow.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Why I Love Moodle

I have realized that those of you that are studying tonight on moodle are multitasking while studying. Although I have never been a big fan of students multitasking, I am a big fan of students becoming INTERDEPENDENT learners. Kudos to Kelsey, Stevie, John, and others who have used moodle to cross reference classes and find out what might be the most important information in your text that will be on the test. This is a great study method for you to use, and in the future I hope that students continue to use moodle as a de facto study group any time a big test or project comes due. I know that some of you find moodle to be a bit unorganized, and user-cumbersome, but it currently is what we have to work with and as long as you take your time to navigate it, it gets easier. I believe both Dubs and I would both love to hear what you have to say about using moodle as a study tool and networking device. I personally would also like to know if you use other networking sites to do any studying as an informal survey type deal. Great studies...

Sunday, January 31, 2010

These Blog Things

I have to admit, I was a bit apprehensive when we started these blogs. I was just barely familiar with blogging as I had started my own in November, but I wondered how it would contribute to a classroom climate. I absolutely love reading these blogs. Mainly it provides insight on what is happening in the classroom and gives honest and immediate feedback on what is happening in AP psychology. You love the new technology and the netbooks, we know about it. You hate the new technology and netbooks, we know about it. You aren't sure what to expect in class, the entire class is confused, you want to let us know how the youtube assignment went, you want to let us know how cool we are (ok, that's a stretch), we know about it. I can see the blog portion of this class becoming an important tool for me to improve my teaching and diagnose what works and what doesn't in my classroom. Yay blogs. Now I personally am not going to spill any lamb's blood over this post, nor am I going to end it with a sheezy, or a quote. I'll just say so long, and thanks for all the fish.